Thursday, December 18, 2014


I did it! I finished my Bachelor of Arts in International Relations.

necklace   blouse & skirt | YESSTYLE  heels|  JESSICA SIMPSON
After three and a half years of hard work and perseverance I reached yet another milestone in my professional career. I completed my bachelor's degree early and I couldn't be more proud of myself. This semester I challenged myself to take five classes, rather than the usual four needed to be considered a full-time student, in order to graduate this Fall. 

I set my eyes on the prize from early on in the semester. I planned out my assignments and took advantage of my school's career services to prepare for my life after college. It was all stressful, but I kept my head up high, and looked towards the future and as a result here I am today.

I confess not everything is completely settled yet but now at least I know I have endeavors to look forward to. My next goal is to further my education by getting my master's. But for now my future is taking shape and I cannot wait to see what it has in store for me.

I designed my cap to be a message not only to myself but also to all the graduates around me. I want to encourage others and myself to believe in their potential and continue to pursue their dreams. And no matter what to be themselves because you only live once. 

If it wasn't for my family's support, friends' encouragement and the challenges I encountered along the way my undergraduate years wouldn't be as meaningful as they were. And I'm happy to have met so many different individuals along the way, who taught me something about myself.

I pray that I continue to persevere and tackle anything that comes my way with confidence. And I want to thank you all for following me as I grow. And if you are also going through a similar process know that you are not alone, and that we can both accomplish what we set our minds to!

Sheyla ♥


  1. Congrats Sheyla! You looked great :)

    1. Thank you Diane! I'm glad you liked the classic look. :)

  2. congratulations to you!! this is definitely a huge time in your life and i wish you the best in your future endeavors! i also didn't know you went to FIU, you're in the neighborhood! lol


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