Sunday, February 26, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

I hope you remain positive and very optimistic about your future. And remember your dreams can come true but they require planning and lots of hard work on your part in order to attain them. Allow the universe to listen to your thoughts on the future by visually presenting your dreams to it. Your mind is a powerful instrument and it can make those dreams of yours a reality.

Dream on dear fashionistas! I love you and truly hope this video inspires you to do yourself better.

Sheyla ♥

INSTAGRAM: sheylagomescastillo
FACEBOOK: Freestyle Moda

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hi fashionistas,

Today I'm sharing with you all my progress for these past 4 years of being natural. Can you believe it has been that long already? I, myself, cannot! I had forgotten to even track my progress to be honest. I noticed I had come a long way just the other day when I decided to do a twist out for a change. To my surprise as I did my twists in front of the mirror this time I noticed that my hair was way past my nose bridge. It felt surreal and I quickly went back to my old videos for a quick comparison and was shocked to see my hair had really grown quite a bit.

To update you all just like old times I decided to get dolled up and record my length check video for you all. Let me know your thoughts on my progress below. Also please do share how are you doing in your own hair journey?

Love you all!

Sheyla ♥

Follow Me @sheylagomescastillo